1. Do I need to prepare the artwork in any specific way?
Yes! Guidelines for "flat art," "3-dimensional art," and "performances" are available for download at http://ntxhsart.blogspot.com/p/art-guidelines-please-read.html. We will not be able to accept any art that does not meet these guidelines. Thank you for taking the time to carefully review this.

2. What if I can't be there for the Drop-Off or Pick-Up dates/times?
First, try to find a friend who is also participating who can deliver your art for you. If that is not possible, please email us at nths.artshow@gmail.com to make arrangements.

3. When is the entry fee due?
The entry fee is do at time of registration.

4. What about selling artwork? How much will I make?
You choose if your art is for sale or not. If you wish to sell your art, you set the price. If your art is purchased, you may pick up your money on Saturday, October 20th, or we can send it to you via PayPal.

5. How can I help?
Details will be coming about volunteer opportunities, in particular we are hoping for teens to help with the production of the art show. If you wish to volunteer, please email us at nths.artshow@gmail.com.

6. What are the "Final Art Details"?
For each piece of artwork or performance we will need to know the details, including the name of the piece, the artist's name and age, the medium, and the price. This information is necessary to print the wall labels for the art and to include in the program. Details are here: http://ntxhsart.blogspot.com/p/artwork-details-due-325.html

7. May I invite people to the Artists' Reception?
Sure! The more, the merrier. Parking will be limited, so you may want to carpool.

7. What about _________?
If you have a question that we have not answered above, please send us an email at: nths.artshow@gmail.com